page is dedicated to my father. He would have been 47 this April. April 13th will mark the 3 year anniversary of his
death. I miss him a lot. But I know hes looking over me watching me and his other little girls. And actually we're all doing
all right for the time being. I loved my father with all my heart, and now that hes been gone almost three years
it still hurts but not as much.The pain will always be there. My father was born on April 12th, 1960 in Ohio. He was
then put in an orphanage. He was taken in as a foster child by Eva and Patrick Gogates. At the age of 8 or 9 Eva and Patrick
finally adopted him. When he was 18 he joined the Navy. He was married once before my mom but the marriage didn't last. When
he was 23 he had his first child. My big sister Angela. A couple years after Angela was born he stopped speaking
to his parents and two sisters. Six years after Angela was born, when he was 29, I was born. Three years after I
was born my youngest sister Judy was brought into this world. Through out his life my father was involved with drugs and alcohol. When
he was 41 he realized he needed to quit the drugs, and the drinking for me and my little sister. Two weeks before he died
was his 3 year anniversary for being clean and sober. Also when I was 12 one of my dads sisters Judy's daughter
Jennifer contacted us. My sisters and I reunited and finally met my dads family in april at my fathers funeral. They
have said they wished they could have seen my dad instead of the circumstances they came down for. Thats a
breif history of my dads life.