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Shane Cooley!

I've known Shane for about 2 years and 8 months now. He is a very talented 19 year old from Virginia. Shane has a total of 9 cds so far. Shane writes his own songs and music, and plays his own instuments. He is the best singer I know. He is better than anyone in the music buisness. Shane has an amazing voice and I know he will be famous one day. When Shane becomes famous I will be able to sit there and say "I knew he could do it all along."My favorite so by Shane is "Inner Pain." Shane if you read this I think you are a totally awesome person and you will definatly be famous one day. Shanes new cd should be coming out soon! I know I can't wait and I'm sure Kendall can't either. Shanes new cd just came out so go to his website and print out an order form.

Please go to Shanes official website:
And his two fan websites: